Family history

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  1. Big Ideas and Essential Questions

  2. Content Objectives for Today's Class

  3. Key Vocabulary and Agenda for Today's Class

  4. Announcements

  5. Announcements

  6. Review

  7. Historical Inquiry: Why did people leave their homelands and settle in Wisconsin? What kept people in Wisconsin? Sharing Family Histories

  8. Sharing Family Histories

  9. Sharing Family Histories

  10. How were your families affected by immigration laws?

  11. Current Immigration to Wisconsin

  12. Historical Inquiry Primary and Secondary Sources

  13. Primary and Secondary Sources for Historical Research

  14. Historical Inquiry with Primary and Secondary Sources Meeting Common Core Reading Standards

  15. Historical Inquiry with Primary Sources Immigration to Wisconsin

  16. Historical Inquiry with Primary Sources Immigration to Wisconsin

  17. Historical Inquiry with Primary Sources Immigration to Wisconsin

  18. Historical Inquiry with Secondary Sources Why Did Cultural Groups Immigrate to Wisconsin?

  19. Historical Inquiry with Secondary Sources

  20. Historical Inquiry with Secondary Sources

  21. Drawing Conclusions from Research

  22. Closing

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Last updated:
January 27, 2015 (Tuesday)